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Flemington Speedway

Flemington Speedway History

Flemington Speedway Demo Pics

This speedway is right near my house.  Back when it was operational, the races would be completely audible from my house.  Once they stopped the races, they only held the "Flemington Fair" there, which would consist of small amusement rides, as well as vendors, farm animals, and games.  Eventually the Flemington Fair ceased to exist, at least at this location.  For about 5 years the old fairgrounds and speedway sat, deteriorating, until the finally demolished all but one building, which I believe used to be a school house.  The area has been developed into a new mall, which includes Lowes, a steakhouse, and a wal-mart (is coming in soon.)  I was only 6 or 7 when the races were still going on, but it was one of the things that made Flemington unique.

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