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Hinchcliffe Stadium


Located in the heart of Paterson, NJ This place has been abandoned for awhile and is located right next to the Paterson Falls. The person who sent the pictures in was actually visiting the falls and accidentally found the place. After wondering around it for awhile he asked a local cop if it was ok to enter and take a few pictures. The officer said enter at your own risk, It has been known to be a drug user area and some are not very nice to strangers. Then the officer asked if the person had a cell phone just in case something happened. After an hour of walking around taking pictures of the place he decided enough was enough and decided to take pictures of the great falls. While taking pictures the people in the place where very nice and even moved out of certain areas so these awesome pictures could be taken. But last in the e-mail was a warning, Paterson can be a very violent neighborhood so watch your step and leave at the sign of trouble.

Just another viewers opinion.

More viewer history sent in

This stadium was a very popular attraction during the 1950's being used as a three quarter midget and midget races these were small cars powered by crosley engines that typically raced on high school running tracks I have a shop in Paterson and I am involved in the midget racing plus there is a group that is taking donations to restore this stadium back to the way that it was in the 50's and one day races will be held again.

This stadium was originally built for the high school athletics teams and for a place to run at a leisure time and the town rented the time for the midget races

here is a link on you tube of a car show inside the stadium taken last august

thank you I just wanted to mildly educate you on the stadium
I love your site it has allot of interesting stuff on it

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