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The Stratos House

I don't know if you ever put up facts about any of the houses featured on your site that are sent in, but I know some people (such as myself) enjoy getting a little history about the places they look at. And since this one had a name and address on the door, it made it easy:

The Stratos house you have featured in your SC section belonged to a Nolie A. Stratos who was born May 13th 1891 and died in April of 1988 at age 97 in Charleston SC.  By the looks of the photos the house has been abandoned since his death.  The house was built in 1940.

According to land records Nolie's family sold the house in 2004 and by the looks of the place on Real estate site Zillow, it is no longer abandoned, but you never know.

I'm just a research nerd who enjoys sharing knowledge!

Thanks for your time.

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