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Thanks to Radical Ed for the new pictures you're the best!!!

Essex County Hospital, Cedar Grove, New Jersey.
Starting in 1896, the City of Newark, New Jersey built a sprawling new mental institution near the small town of Verona. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, many hospital buildings were built that housed and treated mental patients from around the region. During the 1940s and 1950s, the hospital's population peaked, however, during the 1960s and 1970s, new medicines were invented to help mental patients and the hospital's population decreased drastically. By the 1990s, the hospital had a very small population and there was no need for such a large facility any longer. In 2007, Essex County decided to make the lands of the hospital center a 90 acre county park. Demolition of the old buildings are said to begin in the spring of 2008 for open public parkland. Although I was able to visit at least a half-dozen buildings on the property, I missed twice that, easily, as the complex is huge and encompasses property on both sides of the highway. There are many houses and outbuildings related to the hospital surrounding the complex and they even had their own fire department. I noticed that a good number of the buildings have been abandoned for decades and some are even collapsing into themselves. Here are some photos of my visit and I hope you enjoy this wonderful facility.

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