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This place used to be a hangout for many UE people but when it appeared in WNJ anyone who was found on the property was arrested or escorted off the property depending on there back ground check. The tunnel systems still exist but most of the time are flooded but in the summer months can be explored. Now keep in mind the Essex County AKA over brook is connected or has something to do with the abandoned buildings on Fairview ave. Overbrook / Essex is now demolished and in a few months the rest of the abandoned buildings on Fairview ave will be demolished as well. As many know there have been recent arrests on the property all seem to be when people explore at night. But by day you can park next to an abandoned building and walk the trail to the leveled buildings for exercise. We do not suggest or recommend going into anyone of the buildings but once again that is up to the person who goes there. Enjoy the place while you can for soon it will be a patch of land with wild flowers and open land till more condos get built.

Essex County Hospital History

Please visit the site listed below the webmaster has extensive history and historical photos that no one else can match so ABNF will not try to even attempt it. Enjoy the site and the history that is behind it for this website is truly a marvel of it's time.

Links to Pictures:

Essex County Hospitals (Mountain & Overbrook) Overview

Essex County Hospitals (Mountain & Overbrook) 3-31-2008

Essex County Hospitals (Mountain & Overbrook) Cedar Grove

Essex County Hospitals (Mountain & Overbrook) Demolished

Essex County Hospitals (Mountain & Overbrook) Inside

Essex County Hospitals (Mountain & Overbrook) More Pictures

Essex County Hospitals (Mountain & Overbrook) Outside

Essex County Hospitals (Mountain & Overbrook) Past Pictures

Essex County Hospitals (Mountain & Overbrook) Submitted Pictures

Essex County Hospitals (Mountain & Overbrook) Tunnels


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